Monday, October 16, 2006

Sunday Sermons - links

Here's a link to Sunday morning's sermon (preached at Warblington) on the subject of Mark 10: The Rich Young Man.

Here's a link to Sunday evening's sermon (also at Warblington) on the subject: Hebrews 4: The Word and the High Priest. WARNING - this one is rather dense theologically...aimed at what I knew would be an adult audience with not a few theologians!

Please feel free to comment by clicking on the comment button below.


  1. Anonymous8:54 am

    Quite right there will always be the poor but who will fall into that category?? I maintain that if all the worlds' wealth were to be shared equally between the world populace it would be the SAME people who finished up with nothing and the same who garnered it in. I am a living example of the former as I dash down to the bottom of the pile again. Guess who my son

  2. Ah - you are so right. And the Bible agrees with you! That's why the book of Leviticus advocates a system of 'Jubilee' - which is the idea that every seven years, all land which had been mortaged to pay debts would have to be returned to its original owner. It was a sort of 'start again every seven years' system of redistribution. I don't know whether it worked - there is little evidence that the rule was ever put into practice, and it certainly is a very crude measure for any economic system. But it did show that even the earliest writers of the Bible were conscious that "those that have will get more, and those who do not will lose"!
