Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Facebook Page

I've started a new Facebook page for St Mark's - for those who are into such things :-)

If you have a  Facebook account, and want to become a 'friend' of St Marks - click on the link above.  You will then receive occasional messages alerting you to upcoming events.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Second Coming

After two thousand years of promises that Jesus will soon return, what are we to make of the prophecies of the Second Coming?

To consider some ideas on that theme, please click here to read today's sermon for Advent.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We will remember them...

We will remember them.

I had a wonderful time at one of our local schools this morning. After thinking about what it means to 're-member' (i.e. to put something or someone back together in our mind) I invited the whole school to stand in silence for two minutes. Some of the smaller children didn't quite get it...but most of the school did amazingly well. Kids today are not used to such a discipline, and Northern Parade Junior School did themselves (and our armed peace-makers) proud.

Later, at 11.00am, I went down to my church. I rang the bell 11 times at 11 o'clock, and then stood to attention at the front of the church. I was surprised, and rather disappointed, that no-one in the street outside the church bothered to join me, or even to stop for a moment (even in a military/naval town like Portsmouth). They carried on walking past, with arms full of shopping. I suppose I should not be surprised...but how sad for those who have given their lives for us to have the freedom to go shopping (among many other freedoms) to have their sacrifice so callously dis-regarded.

To read what I hope is a thought-provoking meditation/sermon for Armistice/Remembrance Day, please click here. It was preached on Sunday, and again this morning at our 10am Armistice Day service.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Blind Receive Their Sight

Do you find the Bible a perplexing and difficult read? Do you sometimes feel guilty that you don't pick it up often enough. You are not alone! To think more about this important spiritual subject, please read tomorrow morning's sermon, by clicking here.

I hope it helps!

Saturday, October 03, 2009


Please click here to read tomorrow's sermon on the hot topic of divorce. And then comment...please! (For the record, I welcome and enthusiastically engage in debate!)

Harvest Reflections

Last Sunday we held our Harvest Festival service. Here is the sermon I preached - with some reflections about the meaning of Harvest - especially to us city dwellers. (This is a somewhat longer reflection than I actually preached - Due to time constraints, this is the un-edited version!). To read the sermon, please click here.

Who is the Greatest?

Here's a sermon from a couple of weeks ago that I have only just got round to publishing. My apologies to regular readers! To read "Who is the Greatest?", please click here.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Good Samaritan

If you want to read the nub of today's sermon, please click here. It is not precisely what I said - as I departed from the script a little in response to a wonderful gift we received this morning (a new tapestry-hanging). Enjoy!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Bread of Life

Last Sunday I preached about the hope of Resurrection that Christians share, following the funeral of Rob Townsend. To read the sermon, please click here

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Ecclesiastical Musings

After a relaxing holiday in Scotland (over the last couple of weeks) today's sermon focused on some of the differences between the Church of Scotland and the Church of England. To read it, please click here.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sex and Seduction

Here's a link to last Sunday's sermon - based on the story of the beheading of John the Baptist. It is called Sex and Seduction! Juicy stuff. Comments very welcome as always!

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Communal Breathing

Today, after a wonderful break in Cornwall, I mused on the wedding I was privileged to conduct for a young man who was once a paige-boy at my own wedding to Clare. If you would like to read the sermon, click here

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Seed, and the Parable of North End

Here is today's sermon on the topic of the Mustard Seed, and the Parable of North End. Please click here to read it.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Holy, Holy, Holy - the Three in One God

Tomorrow's sermon is an imaginative attempt to compress the history of religion - with a focus on Judeo-Christianity - into a very short timespan. It attempts to explain some of the early human impulse towards the divine - and culminates in the description of God as 'Trinity' (which Christians believe to be the imperfect, but best-yet way of describing God).

If you are interested in playing with these ideas, then please click here to read the sermon.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tongues of Fire and Rushing Heavenly Winds

If you want to get my take on the rather strange story of Pentecost, then please click here.

I suppose I should issue a health warning... this sermon may make smoke come out of the ears of biblical literalists. The rest of my small readership will hopefully be inspired!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

He has put down the mighty from their seats...?

Where is God in the current banking and political crisis?

If you want to think about that, from Biblical perspective, then read tomorrow's sermon by clicking here

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Saturday, May 02, 2009

At the name of Jesus...?

Here's a sermon which, I hope, will get your theological juices flowing...

Can we really claim that Jesus is the only Way to God? What about other religions?

If you want to think more about those questions, please click here

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rector's Report

If you wish to read my remarks to the Parish, made at this morning's Annual Parochial Church Meeting, then please click here

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Greatest Story Ever Told?

Here's tomorrow morning's sermon - thinking about the power and reality of Story.

Please click here to read it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter 2009

To read my sermon for Easter Sunday morning (which is based on my recent Plain Truth article, see below), please click here

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Contribution to 'The Plain Truth'

If you are interested to read an article I recently contributed to 'The Plain Truth' magazine (an Christian, ecumenical magazine affiliated to the Evangelical Alliance), please click here

Palm Sunday 2009

Here is a link to my Palm Sunday Sermon: Please click here to read it

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mothering Sunday

To read my 2009 Mothering Sunday sermon, please Click here.

I should probably give you a health has some pretty radical thoughts about what makes a mother...

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Take Up Your Cross

Mark 8: 31-end

If you want to read tomorrow morning's sermon on the theme "Take Up Your Cross", then please click here .

Also - please accept my apology for not posting last week's sermon. It would have been hard to do - as we spent 5 minutes in silence, instead of listening to words. Seemed like a good way to start Lent...and was the easiest sermon I've prepared in a long time!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Stilling the Storm...and Shouting at the TV

If you want to read tomorrow's sermon please Click Here

It's basically some thoughts about what it means to come under God's protection...especially in a time of economic crisis.

Friday, February 06, 2009

A Woman's place...

If you want to read a sermon about what St Peter's mother-in-law did when she had been healed by Jesus, then please Clike here.

It will be preached on Sunday 8th only read it if you want a preview!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Light of the World?

If you want to read tomorrow's sermon, please Click here.

Bad joke starts with a really old joke!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pompey Pioneer

My mate (and fellow priest) Mark Rodel is the new City Pioneer Minister in Portsmouth. He's started a blog to record his thinking and progress around his exciting new form of ministry. Click Here to read it.

I've also stuck the link in my link list (to the left of this page, at the case you stumble across the blog entry years from now!)

Mark is doing some fascinating thinking which, I'm certain, is going to help us all the think about the nature of our lives and mission. Get in on the ground floor by engaging with his brain right now!

The Conversion of Saul - Fact or Fiction?

I'll be preaching tomorrow about the dramatic story of Paul/Saul's conversion on the road to Damascus. If you want to read the sermon, Click Here

Or you could always come in person to St Mark's, Derby Road, Portsmouth - to hear the sermon delivered with all the passion I can muster!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Charlie and the Toilet (A Story)

What's so amazing about Grace?

I've written a short story to illustrate the transforming power of God's grace. I'll be reading it tomorrow at our family service (at St Mark's, Derby Road, Portsmouth) - in place of a sermon. I hope it speaks for itself. I encourage you to let the story speak to your heart.

To read the story, please click here

The story is based on Ephesians 2, verses 1-10. Here's a short video I've made of that reading:

Friday, January 09, 2009

New Year - New Website Layout

Happy New Year!

Over the holidays, I've been thinking about the way this website is laid out. So in order to make it a bit easier to navigate, I've decided to publish my sermons on another blog - taking up less room here, I hope!

So, if you would like to read what I will be preaching this Sunday, then please click here to read a sermon sparked by 'The Baptism of Jesus'.