Monday, December 25, 2017

The Power of the Christmas Story

The Christmas story is chocked-full of powerful images - each on of which has the power to amaze and transform us.  Here's the sermon I preached at this year's Midnight Mass, in an attempt to unpack some of the depths of the story.  To read it, please click here.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Will the real St Nicholas please stand up?!

Today, I gave a talk about St Nicholas to our chapel-congregation at Langstone.  (The chapel is dedicated to St Nicholas, patron saint of children and sailors.)  If you would like to learn a bit more about St Nicholas, please click here.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Violence of Christmas

Tonight, I gave a 'meditation' on violence at our Community Carol service.  Have you ever pondered just how much human violence is woven into the Christmas story - and what God's response to human violence is?  To read tonight's meditation, please click here.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Baptist or Baptiser

There's a new trend in biblical translation - to rename 'John the Baptist' as 'John the Baptiser'.  What's this about?  Who was John - and why didn't he become one of Jesus' disciples?  Fascinating questions, I think - and the themes of today's sermon, which can be found by clicking HERE.

Sunday, December 03, 2017

Advent: Are we there yet?

What's the Second Coming all about?  Why does Jesus say that 'this generation will not pass away' until he has returned in glory and power in the clouds?  Ever thought of the church as a 'Love Factory'?  To muse on these and other issues, please click here to read today's sermon.