Saturday, December 04, 2010

Who on earth WAS this Jesus?!

John the Baptist.  Strange fellow.  He ate locusts, for goodness sake!  So what was it about Jesus that got John so excited?  To read tomorrow's sermon on this topic, please click here

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The State we are in

Here's a thought...nothing changes.  Our society is so much like the society of Jesus' time.  Its really quite scary.  What kind of State are we in?  If you would like to think a little more about that, please see this evening's sermon, to be delivered at the Patronal Festival of St Saviour's Church, Stamshaw.  Please click here to read the sermon.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Protection and Persistence

Why is being baptised a bit like joining a football team?  Sounds like the start of joke, doesn't it?!  Well, to find out the answer, please click here to read tomorrow morning's sermon.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Please and Thank you

Do you ever feel though all the work you do for God goes unnoticed...perhaps even by your Vicar?!  Does no-one say 'please' and 'thank you' to you?  What does it mean to be a servant of God?  To think more about that, please see tomorrow's sermon, by clicking here.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Hate your Parents for Jesus?

Tomorrow's Gospel reading is pretty strong stuff.  Not "gentle Jesus meek and mild" at all.  To read my sermon on the topic, please click here.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jesus the Anarchist

Was Jesus an Anarchist?  Did he seek to overturn all laws, and create a lawless Kingdom.  What should our attitude to the Sabbath be?  Please click here to read tomorrow's sermon.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Annunciation: "He has exalted the humble and meek"

Please click here for an imaginative re-telling of the story of how Mary heard that she was to bear the Son of God.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


A couple of weeks ago I read a story in imaginative version of the story when John and James' mother asked Jesus for preferential treatment.

Many have asked to hear it here it is.  Please click here to go to the story.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Church...Is this what God had in mind?

Do you sometimes wonder whether the way we 'do' church is exactly what Jesus had in mind?  I do!  If you'd like to read some ruminations on this theme, explored in yesterday's (sermon of all places!),  please click here.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Songs of Life - Album Update

I have recently uploaded an album of songs I made a few years ago, written in collaboration with an old friend, Dave Pearson.  To hear tracks from the album, and to find out how to obtain a copy on CD, please click here

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ascension - Where is heaven anyway?

Have you ever wondered where heaven actually is?  To read (and hear, if you like) some reflections on this thought, please click here.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Peace be with you!

Do you shudder when a priest says "Let us offer one another a sign of peace"?  You are not the only one!  To read my sermon on this topic - or to hear an audio file of the sermon, please click here

Saturday, April 24, 2010

St Mark's Day: Do we worship St Mark??

Its a bit confusing, isn't it?  Why do Anglicans, Catholics and Orthodox believers tend to name their churches after saints?  Don't we worship Jesus?  Why do we say St Mark's Church, instead of 'Jesus' Church'?  If you are interested in this topic, please see my sermon for tomorrow, by clicking here.

Doubting Thomas: Never Say Never Again

Did you know there is a link between Doubting Thomas and James Bond?!  To read my sermon on that topic, please click here.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Good Friday - It's All about the Story

What was actually happening on the Cross?  Ransom?  Redemption?  Substitutionary Atonement?  Penal Substitution?  A Moral Example?  What do you think of all the different theological interpretations that have been placed on Good Friday?  To read my Good Friday sermon, which tries to grapple with some of these ideas, please click here .

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Mothering Sunday 2010 - The Agony and the Ecstasy

To read my Mothering Sunday sermon - about the Agony and the Ecstasy of motherhood, please click here

Monday, February 22, 2010

Treasure in a Clay Jar

This year, as somewhat of an experiment, we are having a series of talks during Lent, under the heading of 'Treasures in Clay Jars'.  My fellow priests in the parish, and I will be talking about what it is, within us, that sustains our faith and drives us forward.  My first talk, about my love of philosophy, can be read by clicking here .

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bread and Circuses

What do you think about the idea of a personal devil...a real 'Satan' who tempts people to turn away from God? What do you think 'the devil' was doing during the Temptation of Jesus in the desert?  These are some of questions that I wrestle with in tomorrow's sermon.  Please click here to read it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dust and Ashes

What's all this ashing about then?  Why do Christians mark themselves with Ash Crosses tomorrow?  To read my Ash Wednesday sermon, please click here.

Mountaintop Experiences

Ever had a mountaintop experience that you didn't want to end?  Last Sunday's sermon had some reflections on that theme, prompted by the story of the Transfiguration.  To read the sermon, please click here

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Stilling the Storm - Trusting in God

We've had another African Bishop staying with us this weekend.  Bishop Edmund from Ghana has been reminding me, simply by his conversation, of how differently African Christians trust in God.  If you want to read tomorrow's sermon, which includes some reflections on this, please click here

Saturday, January 23, 2010

We're on a Mission from God!

The Blues Brothers believed they were on a Mission from did the Taliban who attacked the Government buildings in Kabul last week.

What does a mission from God actually look like? To think a little more about that, you might want to read tomorrow's sermon. To do so,  please click here

Friday, January 08, 2010

Wise Men versus the Astrologers

Have you ever wondered why the story of the Wise Men who followed a star is a key part of the Christian story, while at the same time the church has always condemned astrology?  This sermon might give you an angle on that.  To read it click here.