I've had an interesting evening - Clare and I went to a taster session for something called The Enneagram. It's a personality-type indicator (a bit like Myers Briggs) but adapted to a Christian context. At first (not least because I have done Myers Briggs) I found myself somewhat suspicious of the idea that I could show strengths or weaknesses related to a particular 'type' - on a scale of 1 - 9.
It probably won't make much sense to you, dear reader, if I say what type I am...unless you already understand the Enneagram system. (For what its worth, I'm a bit of a 3/9/6, I think!) However, what has been fascinating is to think about how one's personality develops over time...what are the factors which lead to one person being caring and sharing, and another being the natural leader, or an agressive over-achiever.
Of course, it may just be that we are made like that...all of us, in our own way, a tiny facet of the image of God in which we are all made. But, I'm inclined to think that we are products of both our nature and our nurture. I can certainly think of events which have happened in my own life which come to the surface form time to time; and result in me behaving in a certain way.
The beauty, it seems, of the Enneagram system is that it helps you to identify and understand your own type, and how it relates to others...and where to look to make changes if you desire them (having understood yourself).
If you are interested in beginning to think about your own personality type I've found a website which offers a basic, free, test: click here. Alternatively, type "Enneagram" into Google, and you will find a plethora of possibilities.
This may be the start of an interesting journey for me and Clare. I'll try to keep you posted as the journey unfolds.
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